Last updated: 2024.11.11.
Content is limited to free-to-access, English language material targeting mainly non-academic, adult audience. There is a huge amount of online resources available, so the selection here is somewhat subjective to keep the length limited.
Additions and corrections are welcome, just open a Pull Request or create a new Issue in the source repository of this page on GitHub, or contact the maintainer in any other way.
Quick jump to section: Podcasts Youtube Blogs Websites Geolocations Models in 3D eLearning eBooks Texts Social media Lists
- The History of Egypt Podcast - 250+ episodes
- Afterlives with Kara Cooney - 50+ episodes
- ARCE Podcast - ~18 episodes
YouTube channels
Just a very limited selection with great content.
- Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Egypt
- Amarna Project
- Digital Karnak (archived)
- Digital Karnak (another)
- Digital Egypt for Universities
- OsirisNet: Tombs of Ancient Egypt
- Pharaohs
- The Ancient Egypt Site
- my personal collection - a KMZ file that can be opened in Google Earth
Models in 3D
Free online courses.
- HarvardX: Pyramids of Giza: Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology
- Coursera: Introduction to Ancient Egypt and Its Civilization
- Coursera: Wonders of Ancient Egypt
- American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE): Online Lectures
The following texts are well over 100 years old, so they are only for historic interest:
- Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt, by G. Maspero
- Ancient Egypt, by George Rawlinson and Arthur Gilman
- The Egyptian Conception of Immortality, by George Andrew Reisner
- An Account of Egypt, by Herodotus
Ancient texts
With English translations.
- A collection of text corpus at University of St Andrews
- Egyptian Tales, Translated from the Papyri: First series, IVth to XIIth dynasty, by W. M. Flinders Petrie
- Pyramid Texts of Unas
Social media
Some egyptologists to follow on social media
- Wikipedia: Index of ancient Egypt-related articles
- Wikipedia: List of notable egyptologists
- IMDB: Films set in Ancient Egypt
- GoodReads: List of books about Ancient Egypt
(This is the license for this page only, all the resources linked here have their own respective license terms.)